SUGAR CANE: Properties, Benefits and Risks

Sugar cane is a fruit that grows in tropical areas, totally warm, which is often in the Latin American continent; mainly, as its name indicates, it is rich in sugar, besides it possesses infinity of necessary nutrients for the good functioning of the human body.  In the same way, sugar cane is rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc and phosphorus, and also contains iron and multi-vitamin supplements such as provitamin of the B1, B2, B5 complex, among others, as well as vitamins A and C, which work as perfect antioxidants for the body in general. All the nutrients that sugar cane provides help to keep the body totally healthy and protected from any disease that is in the air, besides, it is a rich fruit that provides proteins and soluble fiber that are beneficial for the digestive processes of the stomach system.

It is a fruit that helps keep the immune system’s defenses protected, as well as prevents and eliminates possible free radicals from the human body. Normally, it is a food that is frequently consumed by pregnant women, since thanks to the potassium that it supplies to the body, it prevents them from constantly suffering from cramps and tingling, which are common at this stage of pregnancy.

Sugar cane belongs to the following classification of fruits, standing out mainly in fruits rich in fiber, in the same way, it is found within the fruits that contribute notorious amounts of potassium; alkaline fruits, tropical fruits, sweet fruits, fruits with vitamins A, fruits with vitamins C, antioxidant fruits, fruits good for digestion, among others.

Origin of the Sugar Cane

It is written in history that sugar cane is one of the most ancient fruits and plants in the world, being cultivated since millions of centuries ago. According to different historians, this wonderful food began to be known since 3000 B.C., starting mainly in New Guinea, where many thought that this plant was a type of uncommon grass.

After it was discovered, many navigators near the place, began to extract the plant, taking it to different destinations with the only purpose of cultivating it in most countries, so that the product became known worldwide. Among the places that stand out at first sight with the cultivation of sugar cane, India stands out, becoming for a long time, the first country to produce as such, different types of sugars, reaching in turn, China and other adjacencies, all this occurred from 3000 BC to 4500 BC.

In the same way, continuing with the origin of the sugar cane, the Persians discovered the usefulness of this crop, and therefore, they began to completely take possession of the plant, taking it to King Darius, who extracted the honey with the help of the bees, so that when a food capable of doing so existed, it was totally surprising for the inhabitants of the place.

Due to the connections that began to exist between the European continent and the Latin American continent, the cultivation of sugar cane began to arrive to these lands, since in many areas of Europe, the climatic conditions were favorable and were ideal for the cultivation to be maintained without inconveniences some. At present, the countries that are mostly responsible for producing this crop are Dominican Republic, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Bolivia and Uruguay.

Properties of the Sugar Cane

Among the main properties of this wonderful food such as sugar cane, they manage to highlight the following:

  • Sugar cane manages to provide notorious properties in fiber, B vitamins and different minerals, such as magnesium, manganese, sodium, calcium, iron and potassium, so that in its majority, is a fruit that does not contribute many calories to the human body, helping people to lose weight easily.
  • Different cultures of the sugar cane can contribute less calories that others, in its defect, the sugar cane panela comes being the food that less calories supplies to the organism, containing a total of 385 Kcal for each 100 consumed grams.
  • It is a fruit that is kept away until today from people who suffer from diabetes, because its high content in sugar, helps quickly, to raise the glycemic levels of the blood, affecting every process in which it has been working.
  • Sugar cane, in general, provides sodium and cholesterol content, however, it is totally under the stipulated, lacking also, all the saturated fats that people consume daily. It is a highly recommended food for all those people who wish to reduce in a healthy way, without being affected in the attempt to avoid other types of food for the organism.
  • One of the main reasons why sugar cane has a low glycemic index is because its sugars are processed directly by the liver, absorbing it slowly, and the opposite occurs if it is assimilated directly by the small intestine.
  • Thanks to all the properties and benefits that sugar cane brings to the human body, it helps notably to eliminate tumors and all abscesses that are present in the body, likewise, it helps maintain the gums in perfect condition, eliminating all the malignant bacteria that are around; it helps cure indigestion and notably increases energy in the body.

Benefits of Sugarcane

Among the main benefits of sugar cane, people get the following:

  1. Sugar cane helps reduce bad breath in people, since one of the main causes of this is that there is an abnormal growth of bacteria inside the mouth and to eliminate it completely, specialists recommend daily consumption of sugar cane to help cleanse the mouth, preventing bad food thanks to its antibacterial capacity.
  2. In the same way, the sugar cane contributes to a perfect dental health, since thanks to all the minerals that it contributes to the human body, they help to that the teeth are stronger; among them they emphasize the calcium, the magnesium, the phosphorus and the zinc, thanks to all of them, it is avoided mainly, the development of dental cavity, moving away all the diseases of the gums.
  3. Another of the benefits of consuming sugar cane daily is that it notably helps in digestive health, thanks to the amounts of potassium that it provides to the human body, which is an important micronutrient that works in muscle contraction, mostly in the digestive tract, helping to mobilize the digested food quickly, through the intestine.
  4. Sugar cane helps to quickly prevent cancer, thanks to its alkaline properties, which are noticed by the amount of minerals it supplies to the body, among them, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium, helping in the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases, in this case, cancer, since it cannot develop frequently in a totally alkaline environment.
  5. Sugar cane also contributes to the unquestionable improvement of the good renal functioning, thanks to the proteins it provides, which is perfect to help the kidneys and the whole urinary system, since it would work in an optimal way; because of its alkaline nature, sugar cane works as a perfect antibiotic, being used in a diluted way to relieve pains and burning sensations.
  6. Next, sugar cane is a powerful antioxidant, which not only has the capacity to eliminate all free radicals, but also helps reduce all iron production and inhibits it for lipid peroxidation. Among the processes that generate the acceleration of free radicals are stress, poor diet and tobacco, which is why by frequently consuming this fruit, one can avoid all of them.
  7. Finally, sugar cane contributes to effectively achieve a healthy skin, due to its high concentrations in two compounds called alpha acid and glycolic acid, which makes this food work as an ideal tonic for all tired and aged skins.

Types of Sugar Cane

Within the different types or varieties of sugar cane, the following stand out:

Sugar Cane by its Stem

Currently, it has been discovered that sugar cane develops due to two types of stems, the subway, which is called rhizome and the aerial stem, which is normally used for sugar extraction.

The latter develops thanks to the buds of the other stem, which must be in extremely favorable conditions. The rhizome stem is produced by the roots, which are the support of the plant.

Sugarcane Grain

Veined sugarcane is a variety that belongs to the Versicola group, reaching a maximum height of three and a half meters, which tends to support great effects of cold; it is an extremely precocious fruit, which is distinguished by its pleasant striped appearance between yellow and red violet color.

Violet Sugar Cane

Its stems are violet in color, while its leaves are an extremely intense green color. One of the main advantages of this type of food, is that they lie in low temperatures, so many of them also tend to be early. One disadvantage is that it tends to dry out quickly, making it less juicy over time.

Crystalline Sugar Cane

Its stems usually grow to more than six and a half meters, its leaves are green too, although they are darker than other varieties. For its part, its cane is totally robust, with greater resistance in tropical climates. When consumed, these may be the hardest of their species.

Creole Sugar Cane

This is the oldest variety of sugar cane, produced worldwide mainly from Mexico; it has an abundant juice, which gives it greater richness in a component called sucrose, for which it is endowed with great vitality. It is one of the main crops in charge of supplying great levels of proteins and energy to the human body.

Sugar Cane Tree

Sugar cane tends to be a tropical grass, which is normally made up of a giant grass that has a solid stem, between two and five meters high and between five and six centimeters in diameter. On the other hand, the stem of sugar cane contains a juice rich in sugars, almost always called sucrose, from which it is extracted and crystallized through different chemical processes.

In the same way, in the lands where this food is cultivated, they must be hot and sunny, so that the process of photosynthesis is totally oriented towards the production of different carbohydrates, in this case, like cellulose, and other materials that happen to contribute to the foliage of the optimally fibrous support.

On the other hand, during its development, the sowing requires in its totality, of certain amount of water so that this allows its total absorption and transport the necessary nutrients so that thus they are assimilated as it has to be. Its growth period can vary between 12 and 19 months, depending on how the crop is treated in general.

Does Sugar Cane Get You Fat ?

Sugar cane, if not consumed in the adequate manner, can help people to gain weight or, in its absence, to get fat. For this reason, in spite of being an incredible food in terms of nutrients and minerals, extreme care must be taken so that it does not modify people’s weight.

Does Sugar Cane Have Fiber ?

The fiber that contributes the cane of sugar is an alternative source of virgin fiber, since it does not compete with production of foods or in its defect, with the use of different grounds to obtain this nutrient. Yes, sugar cane is a food that supplies the human body with notorious amounts of fiber, being agro-industrial waste that does not require massive consumption of energy or in this case, of different chemicals.

Does Sugar Cane have Sugar ?

Despite the fact that sugar cane provides a great amount of sweetness and has a high content of sugars, it is ideal for all those patients suffering from diabetes, since its sugar is extremely natural, containing low levels of glycemic index, directly preventing a strong increase in glucose levels found in the blood.

Does the Sugar Cane Get You Fat at Night ?

No food that has natural sugars will make people fat, and even less so if consumed during the day or at night. The same occurs with sugar cane; the only probability that people will gain weight is that their consumption is excessive, which is why it can be consumed, but in an adequate manner.

Is Sugar Cane Diuretic ?

Sugar cane works as a diuretic or totally depurative food, helping to eliminate what the body does not need, favoring the organism and purifying the retention of liquids. In addition to being diuretic, it is tonic, healing and reconstructive, so it helps in all the processes of the stomach, kidneys and bladder.

Is Sugar Cane Good For Digestion ?

Sugar cane is highly digestive, thanks to its high levels of potassium, which work as a digestive effect, helping in all the processes of the stomach system. It is a fruit that helps keep the digestive system in good shape, preventing stomach infections and trying to avoid the problems of constipation.

Does Sugarcane Slimming ?

Sugar cane helps people lose weight in its entirety, since despite containing high levels of sugars it is low in carbohydrates and glycemic content, making it ideal for people who want to maintain their ideal weight.

Calories from Sugar Cane

Within the composition for each 100 grams consumed of sugar cane, this incredible food provides a total of 40 calories to the human body, representing a maximum of 10 grams of sugar and the rest divided among the different nutrients, vitamins and minerals that make this food an ideal fruit to consume in moderation.

History of Sugar Cane

The history of sugarcane comes from ancient times, standing out mainly in India, where it was first given, and being a very different crop from the rest, the inhabitants of that area began to spread it around the world, reaching mainly China.

Currently, sugar cane is produced by more than 100 countries, standing out more than anything else, in Brazil, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Colombia, Uruguay, among other countries.

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SUGAR CANE: Properties, Benefits and Risks
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Sugar Cane. Its History and Varieties. Find out If It Is Diuretic, If It Helps to Lose Weight and If It Is Recommended For The Stomach
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