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ALMOND: Benefits, Calories and Properties

The almond, is a highly edible seed that belongs to the tree called almond tree, which is bright white, wrapped inside a brown shell throwing red. It is consumed in fresh state and usually it is of flavor as much sweet as salty. The almond belongs to the following classification of fruits: fruits rich in fiber, slimming fruits, fruits that supply the body with vitamin E, fruits with B vitamins, fruits with potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, antioxidant fruits, fruits good for digestion, among others.

Origin of the Almond

The almond comes from the tree called almendro, which is from warm zones of Asia and introduced by different Phoenician inhabitants in the Mediterranean Basin, from there, it began to expand by the Romans until arriving at Latin America. It is a dry fruit that is currently grown all over the world, although among the countries that produce it, those bordering the Mediterranean and those of North America stand out.

The almond, is known as the queen fruit of the roses, since its tree is completely leafy and it is visualized in the distance, at the time of its flowering, which occurs frequently as far as different variations are concerned.

Properties of the Almond

Within the nutritional properties of this wonderful fruit such as the almond, the following stand out:

  • The almond has 3% of carbohydrates, 6% of water, 16% of cellulose, 19% of proteins and 60% of healthy fats. Similarly, it is rich in vitamins of the B complex, vitamins D and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and zinc.
  • The two varieties of almonds, which are bitter and sweet, have a glycoside called amygdalin; both also contain ferments called emulsins, which help to break down the amygdalin and synthesize all the acid found around it.
  • The almonds have a total of 4 grams in fiber, 38% in vitamins E, 53% in manganese (which is the daily amount needed to consume) and 20% in magnesium, also has vitamin B2, which is known as rioflavin and phosphorus.
  • Almonds are rich in antioxidants, mainly present in the brown layer of skin, so it is ideal to consume directly so to take advantage of all its properties and prevent skin aging and various diseases such as cancer.
  • Almonds help directly to control sugar, since they are low in carbohydrates and rich in good fats, as well as magnesium, proteins and fiber that it contributes to the human body in general, making it a perfect ally for all those who suffer from diabetes.

Benefits of the Almond

Among the main benefits of this wonderful fruit such as the almond, people find the following:

  1. Almonds are considered the main source of healthy fats, which are similar to olive oil, so this kind of lipids, turn out to be necessary for the human body. Among its functions mostly known from the consumption of fat, the energy reserve that it possesses stands out, since each gram that it contributes in carbohydrates is of a total of 9 calories to the organism.
  2. The almonds are full of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, which contribute to a correct stomach digestion, protecting individuals from different types of cancer, in addition, that helps facilitate the absorption of fats in the body and the elimination of toxins in the body.
  3. Almonds work as a satiety effect, so after consuming them, you will achieve that people feel satiated for a couple of hours, avoiding that unhealthy and harmful fats are ingested.
  4. In the same way, almonds help to reduce glucose in the blood, so they are often recommended for people who suffer from diabetes, and they are also good for fighting cholesterol.
  5. Almonds are good for the brain, so its consumption is ideal to avoid the risk of presenting Alzheimer, increasing the cerebral function, so that, it helps to this organ always to stay active increasing its intellectual capacity.
  6. The almonds work as antioxidant effects, since they have a high content in vitamins E and B, concentrating mostly in the brown layer of the skin they have, so it is advisable to consume them are peeled.
  7. Among other benefits of the almonds, the following stand out: they are ideal for the immune system, for the healing of wounds and to metabolize the consumed proteins. They are perfect for healthy bones and teeth, are rich in phytic acids, help prevent premature aging and favor the PH of the skin.

Types Of Almonds

Within the main varieties, types or crops of almonds, people find the following:

Due to their shape, two types of almonds can be distinguished, those with soft shells, which are frequently cultivated in the United States, and those with hard shells, which are frequently found on the European continent, mostly in Spain and Portugal.

Due to its flavor, different types of almonds can also be distinguished, among which sweet almonds predominate, which are consumed when the fruit is dry, these are both hard and soft shelled; on the other hand, bitter almonds are presented with this flavor due to a component they possess, which is called amygdalin and this class of almond is called almond nuts.

Almond Mollar Tarragona

It is a variety of almond quite large, extremely wide, brown and slightly rough. It is normally cultivated in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Brazil. Its time of bloom is medium, giving indications that the fruit is already to come.

Marcona Almond

It is considered a large nut, with a rounded shape, making it different from the rest, its texture is rough; it has a double kernel. Its flowering is at the beginning of March and its ripening is late, appearing for the first days of October. It is often seen in Spain.

Long Fainting Almond

The tree of this almond is of completely weeping bearing, existing different zones in the European continent where it is cultivated; it is an elongated almond, completely pointed, with a smooth and very hard shell, reason why it is easy to be commercialized. Its flowering is early but its ripening is late.

Tuono Almond

This kind of almond has an extremely hard shell and at maturity, its stalk is preserved, more than anything else, on the tree. Its flowering is completely late and its maturation is fast. People can often see it in Italy for the months of July and September.

Almond Ferraganese

This dry fruit is of medium size, slightly pointed and with a completely light brown skin, being this little rough compared to others. Its flowering is late and its maturation is at the end of September. It is a type of almond that is often found in the south of France.

Ferraduel almond

It is a type of small almond, with a thick, clear and extremely smooth shell. Its yield when shelled is up to 30%, while its flowering is late, its ripening is early. Its origin is one of the main ones at the end of the 18th century.

Nova Casa Almond

It is an extremely large almond, with quite roughness in its texture, its flowering is late, its ripening is equal, its flavor ranges from very sweet to the most salty. It is one of the most commercialized almonds in Portugal and Spain.

Standing Almond

It is a fairly large fruit, with a rough texture but with an extremely hard skin, its color is dark brown. Its flowering is often in the middle of August.

Almond Tree

The almond tree is nicknamed the almond tree, and is a completely deciduous tree, not very vigorous so to speak and of pleasant beauty when it blooms mostly in winter seasons. This class of tree belongs to the family of the rosaceae and scientifically it is known as prunus communis or prunus amigdalus. This vigorous tree (considered as such in many occasions) reaches a maximum height of 5 meters.

It is a deciduous tree whose leaves are completely alternate, all of limbo, totally narrow and elongated. On the other hand, its flowers are ornamental, and normally they bloom depending on their variety, nevertheless, it is very frequent that for the months of January and February they are noticed more often.

In the same way, the fruit that is in charge of giving this tree is nicknamed like almond and is considered a drupe with extremely fleshy pericarp, in many occasions of grayish green color, which is opened when this one matures and therefore, its endocarp is placed much harder. Inside, it has a seed or almond, which is the product completely edible by people.

The ideal soil to sow the almond tree has to be in a proportionally sandy and loose soil, which can have good drainage and that does not press in its totality the roots that it gives. It is considered, one of the most evolved plants and numerous in its species.

Does the Almond Get You Fat ?

The almonds, in spite of contributing almost 600 calories by each 100 grams to the human body are not foods that tend to fatten to the people, clear is, if these consume it in necessary doses daily and for it, it is recommendable a handful of almonds of almost 30 grams, being translated to 15 almonds daily, thus, to notice favorable effects in the human body.

Does the Almond Have Fiber ?

From time immemorial, the almond enjoys multiple properties both nutritious and healthy for the human body, among which are its garlic content in carbohydrates and its high concentration of fiber, which gives it greater laxative and satiating effects for the body.

The fiber of the almond, will help the people to prevent different types from cancer and at the same time, to feel light at the time of putting on clothes since in many cases, it helps to lose weight, giving the facility of absorption of fats that are consumed with normality and eliminating the toxins of the body.

Does Almond Have Sugar ?

The almond is a fruit that contributes few quantities in sugar, nevertheless, they do not pass over in it.

Due to this, it does not mean that these wonderful fruits harm the health of people, even if they suffer from diabetes type two or some digestive disorder, on the contrary, if the portions and necessary rations per day are measured, it is a fruit that helps to supply many functions in the organism in general.

Does the Almond Get You Fat if You Eat It at Night ?

The almond is a dry fruit that would make people fat at night only if they exceed the necessary doses per day. It is ideal to be consumed in the morning, besides that it contributes necessary hydrates of carbon for the body, with the energy that it provides, is an ideal fruit to fulfill all the activities the rest of the day.

Is the Almond Diuretic ?

The almond is not considered a diuretic fruit or highly depurative since to the being a dry fruit it has shortage of water in his composition, nevertheless, it does not mean that it is a bad fruit for the human body, since it provides another type of necessary properties for the organs in general, as well as, to avoid and to prevent different diseases.

Is the Almond Good For Digestion ?

At the present time, there is no fruit (including the dry fruits) that are not good for the digestion, mainly, because thus, their properties indicate it, therefore, the almond does not pass over for this, since when being consumed, besides to serve like a perfect appetizer to maintain the satiated people, it is ideal for a good digestion due to the fiber provided in each dose.

Does The Almond Get You Lose Weight?

If the almonds are consumed in suitable amounts there will not exist problem some so that the people fatten remarkably; although it is considered a highly caloric food, it is not a fruit that favors the obesity in the individuals.

All the people can raise or to lose weight depending completely on the amount of calories that are consumed daily, as opposed to which already they are burned, in other words, to reach the objective of slimming of the people it will have to exist a caloric deficit, that is to say, that more calories are burned of which already they are consumed with normality.

This explanation will help to explain that if the almonds corresponding to a balanced diet are consumed in an adequate way, it should not be a problem to gain weight, on the contrary, it would help people to lose weight.

The almonds not only do not produce an increase of weight, but, that as well, helps to lose weight radically, only consuming a handful of this rich fruit maintaining thus, to the satiated people at the time of not consuming food and being an ideal appetizer in saturated fats.

Calories of the Almond

Within the composition per 100 edible grams, the almond provides a total of 579 calories to the human body, being the main food of the nuts in providing more calories to the body in general, followed by pistachio, acorns, chestnuts and cashews.

History of the Almond

The almond tree began to be cultivated for the first time in Persia, Palestine and Syria, however, in biblical stories, the patriarch Abraham often used the almond tree to build different corrals, where he closed numerous herds, among the most famous, the famous cane of Aaron.

In the legends of the Bible, the almond symbolizes both vigilance and good fruit, being significant in the earthly paradise; for this reason, it is visualized in the paintings of the baby Jesus to the fruit of the virgin or the almond.

On the other hand, the Greeks, were the people in charge of spreading this vegetable species in almost all the Mediterranean. At the end of the 18th century, a few Franciscan missionaries, such as Friar Junipero Serra, sowed this marvelous nut in many regions of California, United States.

Normally, the origin of the almond tree is associated with Central Asia and the European continent, being Spain at the present time, one of the countries mainly producing the almond, occupying a 15% of the world production.

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