What Electricity Studies: OBJECTIVES

The study of electricity makes or helps us understand other physical or natural phenomena and relate them to other scientific branches.

We need an electrical current to flow for an electrical system to do anything. Since we cannot see the current, it is not obvious what is happening. We begin with a study of flowing fluids because this provides a useful analogy. It will take some careful observations to establish the truth and relevance of the analogy between electrical current and fluid flow.

There are some differences between electricity and other fluids. Unlike water, which will leave your pipes, electricity will usually stay in the wires. We don’t have to worry about a broken wire flooding the basement with electrons! There is no electrical equivalent of a lawn sprinkler.

This need to understand everything we can about electricity or power has generated multiple fields of study and development related to it, such as:

  • Properties of electricity, electric charges, electromagnetism, power generation, electricity storage, electrochemistry, electronics, among others. Electricity is when electrons move from one atom to another, in the same way that ping-pong balls are passed from one person in the circle to another.
  • The flow of electricity is called current, which we measure in amps (I), also known as amps. Conductors, such as Franklin’s metal lightning rods, easily carry electrical currents, while insulators, such as rubber, wood, or fabric, stop the flow of electricity.
  • In addition to measuring electrical current, we also measure its voltage, watts and resistance. Volt (V) is the power available to drive electricity around a circuit. Think of it as water pressure in a pipe: the more voltage you have, the faster the electricity will flow through a circuit. The resistance, to take the analogy further, would be the size of the pipe and is measured in ohms (r). We measure electrical power in watts, which is obtained by multiplying amps by volts.

18th Century Experiments

In the 1700s, scientists began studying electricity. This was before light bulbs, televisions, and all the other useful applications of electricity that we have now. Scientists really wanted to understand what they could about electricity, like Franklin with his lightning experiment in 1752. Around 1710, for example, the English scientist Francis Hauksbee invented the first electrostatic generator.

This created large amounts of electricity that could be used for study. (Electrostatic generators also created large sparks, which were later used in films like Frankenstein to great effect.) ) Other scientists created instruments that could detect electricity, such as the electroscope. During this time, scientists discovered that electrical charges could attract and repel each other, sensing positive and negative charges at work before they were identified and named.

For electricity to be useful, we had to find a way not only to generate large amounts of electricity, but to store it in some way. The battery is an early source of electricity that we still use today, while power plants produce large amounts of energy.

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