RED WINE COLOR: Psychology, Meaning and Code

Color Red Wine (Meaning and Code in the Color Chart)

The origin of its name is in Latin; the word “tinto” comes from “tinctus”, which translated into English means “dyed”. During the 17th century the production of white wine was much higher than that of red wine; this wine was sometimes “tinted” with red wine.

Meaning of the Red Wine Color

It is because of this custom that the red wine was called “tinted” wine which, as we said before in Latin, is “tinctus” and finally it was adapted to Spanish to be called “tinto”. It is a lighter shade than garnet. It is a mixture between brown and red that has a purple tint. This color is a dark shade of red and purple, belonging to the RGB group (Red, Green and Blue).

It is a representation of the color of red wine, also called burgundy or burgundy, referring to wines with these names produced in those French towns, although these terms can be used to define similar shades and hues more specific. These colours are widely used in the world of fashion, upholstery and decoration.

Examples of Some Red Wine Colours

Hex color code #673147

  • Hex color code #673147 is a medium dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #673147 it is composed of 40.39% red, 19.22% green and 27.84% blue.
  • In HSL color space #673147 it has a hue of 336° (degrees), 36% saturation and 30% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 499.6 nm.

Hex Color Code #5e2129 / Wine Red

  • The wine red color with the hex color code #5e2129 is a dark pink to red shadow. In RGB color model #5e2129 this color is composed of 36.86% red, 12.94% green and 16.08% blue.
  • In HSL color space #5e2129 it has a hue of 352° (degrees), 48% saturation and 25% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 638.55 nm.

Hex color code #56070c

  • Hex color code #56070c is a dark pink-red shadow. In RGB color model #56070c it is composed of 33.73% red, 2.75% green and 4.71% blue.
  • In HSL color space #56070c it has a hue of 356° (degrees), 85% saturation and 18% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 614.78 nm.

#56070C is a great dark red hue for your next project.

Conversion table # 56070C

  • Category: Red (dark red)
  • Hex: # 56070c
  • RGB: R 86 G 7 B 12
  • HSL: H 356.2 S 0.85 L 0.18
  • CMYK: C 0% M 31% AND 29% K 66%

As a fairly dark shade, this color can be used very well to color smaller elements (such as text and buttons). Because of its darkness, it offers a good contrast, also if used on a white background. The readability of the text is perfectly fine.

Hex color code #5b1f36

  • Hex color code #5b1f36 is a dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #5b1f36 it is composed of 35.69% red, 12.16% green and 21.18% blue.
  • In the HSL #5b1f36 color space it has a hue of 337° (degrees), 49% saturation and 24% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 497.69 nm.

Bordeaux / #641c34 hex color code

  • The burgundy color with hex color code #641c34 is a medium dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #641c34 it is composed of 39.22% red, 10.98% green and 20.39% blue.
  • In HSL color space #641c34 it has a hue of 340° (degrees), 56% saturation and 25% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 495.9 nm.

Hex color code #800020/ Burgundy

  • Hex color code #800020 is a medium dark pink to red shadow. In RGB color model #800020 it is composed of 50.2% red, 0% green and 12.55% blue.
  • In the HSL color space #800020 it has a 345° (degree) hue, 100% saturation and 25% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 634.59 nm.

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Resumen / Summary
Título / Article Name
RED WINE COLOR: Psychology, Meaning and Code
Descripción / Description
Red Wine Colour: Types of Red Wine on the Colour Chart
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