How to Lay the Wooden Parquet

Before installing wooden parquet, make sure:

  • Remove all existing parquet.
  • Check moisture levels with a moisture meter to test subfloor moisture. A maximum of 4 percent is allowed between the subfloor and the hardwood floor.
  • A pH alkalinity test should be performed on all concrete subfloors. A calcium chloride test on concrete subfloors is also recommended.
  • The subfloor surface must be level, clean, and free of knocks. If necessary, use self-leveling products and sand high spots.
  • Store your hardwood floor near or where it will be installed.
  • It is recommended that your wood parquet has the same characteristics as the place where it will be installed.
  • Measure the moisture content of your hardwood floor and follow the manufacturer’s strict recommendations.
  • Remove all door covers in the area where the wood parquet will be installed. Remove door and trim.
  • Sweep and pick up debris from your floor before installing hardwood floors.

Some Tips for Installing Wood Parquet

  • Use a carbide-tipped blade to cut the wood parquet.
  • You saw the pre-finished side first to minimize splintering of the wood parquet.
  • To reduce the possibility of chipping, use a blue painter’s tape as a guide.
  • Spread enough felt paper to cover the subfloor and trim the edges.
  • Leave expansion space in the start and end rows. The space should be the same as the thickness of the wood parquet.
  • Move the wood into position using a tapping block.
  • Avoid cutting wood parquet inside the room where the installation will take place.
  • Professional installers recommend starting from left to right.
  • Use the manufacturer’s recommended floor cleaner to remove any marks you may have produced during installation.
  • When measuring the boards to fit at the end of the row, use a board that is longer than the space. Turn it over so that the tab faces the installed boards.
  • Make a mark and then transfer the mark to the surface of the board. Using an electric saw, carefully cut the board at the mark you made.
  • Do not hit the wood floor directly.

How to Install Laminate Parquet ?


Inspect each board before beginning the installation. For the first row along straight walls, remove the tongue at all long side joints and the short side of the first board with a table saw.


For uneven walls, draw the outline with a compass on the tongue side of the board and cut with a jigsaw.


Assemble the first row with the tab on one side of the wall. Insert the final tab into the final groove and rotate downward to assemble. Keep boards aligned and joints closed.


Provide 3/8″ space for expansion on all sides with wood spacers. Note: Two spacers, from thick side to thick side, are 3/8″.


Cut the first piece at least 8″ long with a table saw. Start new rows using trim pieces from the previous row, ensuring at least a 12″ displacement of the final joint.


  • Insert the tongue of the second row board into the groove of the first row board at a slight angle until the laminate edges meet.
  • Then turn down until the joints lock. For the following table, first join the short end of the table. You will see a space in the joints on the long side when the board rotates down.
  • Lift the outside edge of the board up approximately 1″. Hold this angle while pushing the board until the laminate edges meet.
  • Turn down on the board until the joint locks. Repeat the above steps to complete the installation.
  • To hold the installed planks in place during installation, place the plank box flush with the end of the row you are installing.


Align the tabs with the grooves on the long and short sides of the planks. Install the long side first by placing a take block no less than 8″ from each end.
Tap along the long side until the joint is tightly closed (Fig. 1). Then touch the end using the tapping block in a locked position.

Professional Tip
Using excessive force can damage the joint.


Use a tape measure to make sure there is a 3/8″ gap (after the joint is closed) from the wall to allow for expansion.


Align the table that will connect to the second row of the last row. Using a full width table as the spacer, draw the contour of the wall and cut the table to size.

Install the long side tab into the groove with the end joint aligned. Work evenly along the board and tap the joint to close it with a drawbar and rubber mallet.

After closing the long side joint, touch the closed short side with an extraction block or drawbar. Remove all spacers.


Apply a 100 percent flexible silicone sealant all around the perimeter to create a tight seal.

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