What is Art ?

Art comes from the Latin “ars” which is related to skill and craft. Its first use comes from 13th century manuscripts. It is said that the word art and its many variants such as artem, eart, etc., probably existed since the beginning of the Roman era.

Art is often considered the process or product of deliberately organizing elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a wide range of human activities, creations and forms of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture and painting, among others.

The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics. Art is generally understood as any activity or product made by people with a communicative or aesthetic purpose, something that expresses an idea, an emotion or, more generally, a vision of the world.

It is a component of culture, which reflects economic and social substrates in its design. It transmits ideas and values inherent to each culture through space and time. Its role changes over time, acquiring more of an aesthetic component and a socio-educational function.

The definition of art is broad, open and very subjective. Also debatable. There is no agreement between artists and historians, which is why there are so many definitions of art. It is a concept that has changed over time and over the centuries. It can refer to any human activity, or also to a set of rules to develop an activity. This would generalize the concept beyond what is normally understood as the fine arts, now expanded to encompass academic areas.

Everyone is an artist. According to the most basic definition of the word, an artist is simply a person who creates art. Art is subjective, i.e. “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and therefore cannot be measured by its importance or the level of skill with which it is created. Its subjective nature means that the only measurable quality of art is whether or not it exists.

So how can we really judge art? Except for the existence of a piece, there is almost nothing definitive about it. Good art is transcendent, both in time and in an absolute sense. It is inherently controversial. Good art can mean something different to everyone, provoking a Debate to Death or simply an Agreement to Disagree. I don’t just think good art can cause problems; I think it can solve them.

Good art has the capacity to inspire and provoke. Good art is contagious, enveloping and distracting. Whether we are the creators or just spectators. Art provides an outlet for our inflated sadness, our temporary anger, our illusions, our new happiness.

Good art serves others, and while it may not mean the same thing or have the same value to everyone, it serves as an outlet not only for the creator’s expression but also for the audience.

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