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Cryptography is the art of creating mathematical guarantees of who can do what with data, including but not limited to encrypting messages so that only the key holder can read it. Cryptography lives at an intersection of mathematics and computer science. As cryptography becomes a more integral part of systems used daily by billions, the need for reliable cryptographic systems increases.

In a Free Doctorate in Cryptography the goal is to develop and leverage formal program verification techniques (from interactive proof wizards to static analysis) to develop highly secure cryptographic algorithms and software and hardware implementations, including with side channels. 

The specific focus of the PhD project (algorithms, software, hardware or side channels) will depend on your interests and skills. The PhD in Cryptography seeks a motivated student with an interest in the mathematical or engineering aspects of building high security cryptographic systems.

A Free Doctorate in Cryptography prepares graduates for high-level positions in management, research and education. Doctorate students acquire new skills, qualify for better jobs and earn more money. 

Cryptography professionals help organizations prepare for, prevent, respond to, and analyze security breaches. There are Universities and institutes that provide this PhD program for free or with scholarship or student loan options.

What is a Doctorate in Cryptography ?

Technical skills are the backbone of a successful PhD in Cryptography. A lot of detailed knowledge and information is needed, especially due to the high risk involved in this career. 

The graduate is trusted to maintain the confidentiality of extremely valuable information and, when they become that trusted expert, they will be expected to live up to these confidences. A student of a PhD in Cryptography will possess a basic understanding of major programming languages such as C, C++, JAVA, Python.

He/she will have strong mathematical skills such as in discrete mathematics, linear algebra, number theory, abstract algebra, probability, combinatorics, and will be able to understand Complexity Theories, Information Theories, Number Theories, among others.

You will acquire knowledge in digital signatures, encryption, key exchange and symmetric cryptography, computer systems, operating systems, networks and database architecture, among others.

With a Doctorate in Cryptography you will acquire and strengthen skills of good judgment, intelligence, acceptance of new challenges, interest in problem solving and puzzle solving, critical thinking skills, and project and team management skills.

Program, Subjects and Content of the Doctorate in Cryptography

These are some of the subjects that may be included in the programmatic content of a PhD in Cryptography:

  • Cryptography and modern cryptography.
  • The configuration of private key encryption
  • Historical ciphers and their cryptanalysis
  • The basic principles of modern cryptography
  • Perfectly secret ciphers
  • Definitions and basic properties
  • Limitations of perfect secrecy
  • Number theory and cryptographic hardness assumptions
  • Preliminaries and basic group theory
  • Primes, factoring and RSA
  • Assumptions on cyclic groups
  • Cryptographic applications of number-theoretic assumptions

How Long Does the Doctorate in Cryptography Take ?

A Ph.D. in Cryptography has a duration of 3 to 4 years full time. Duration may vary depending on factors such as the country of origin, the institution or university offering the Ph.D. program, the curriculum, mode of delivery of the program, schedules, whether it is taken part-time or full time, among others.

Where can I Work with a PhD in Cryptography ?

Cryptography is a career with options working for the government, insurance agencies, universities and more. Some of the common titles for this career include the following:

  • Financial consultant
  • University professor
  • Security analyst

These three options may be at the top of the list in a cryptographer’s career path. A data or message decoder, or an encryption expert are some job titles that may also interest a potential cryptographer.

Countries and Cities Where You Can Study Doctorate in Cryptography for Free by Getting a Scholarship

  • United Kingdom
  • Turkey
  • Portugal
  • Israel
  • United States of America
  • Australia

Institutes, Centers and Universities Where the Doctorate in Cryptography is Possibly Taught for Free, Through Scholarships

PhD in Cryptography

  • University of Bristol
  • Bristol, United Kingdom.

PhD in Cryptography

  • Middle East Technical University 
  • Ankara, Turkey.

PhD in Information Security – Cryptography

  • Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa
  • Lisbon, Portugal.

PhD in Mathematics and Computer Science – Cryptography

  • Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Tel Aviv, Israel.

Ph.D. in Information Security

  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Maryland, USA.

Doctorate in Cellular Automata-based Cryptography.

  • The University of Sydney
  • Sydney, Australia.

Doctorate in Cryptography Referential Prices

The prices of the PhD in Cryptography can be varied. The prices of these PhDs range from $2,600 to $29,200 per year. In some cases it may cost more. The cost of this Doctorate will vary according to the country where it is taught, the institution or university that teaches the Doctorate, the modality, the duration and the materials provided during the study, among other factors.

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Resumen / Summary
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Free PhD in Cryptography: What is it, Objective, Content, Subjects, Duration, Labor Sector, Countries, Universities and Price
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